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Our Commitment to Sustainable Energy Solutions

GreenCues is dedicated to providing environmentally friendly and efficient sustainable energy solutions centralized in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. We aim to assist individuals, businesses, and communities in transitioning to a more sustainable and cleaner energy future.


We specialise in the manufacturing of high-quality biomass wood pellets from renewable biomass. Our biomass wood pellets are obtained from sustainably managed forests and manufactured using advanced equipment to assure consistency and quality.


We provide suited solutions, such as the replacement of fossil-fuel-powered equipment, to individuals, businesses, and communities based on their specific energy requirements. Our team of professionals collaborates with our customers to design and execute sustainable energy solutions that match their specific needs.

We acquire our biomass from local producers and communities. We cut transport emissions and assist local businesses by procuring locally. This also ensures that the wood pellets we manufacture are made from locally available and sustainable resources.

Our wood pellets are sourced from responsibly managed forests that follow sustainable forest management practices. This means that the forests from which we source are harvested in a way that ensures the long-term health and productivity of the forest, ensuring the preservation of the forest ecosystem.

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